window cleaningSpring officially arrived on March 20. Despite the lingering snow and chilly temperatures, spring is here and warmer days are in the forecast. It’s the perfect time to wipe away winter from your home, and refresh with some serious spring cleaning, a seasonal ritual with its own origin story.

Spring Cleaning and Human Biology

Exposure to fewer hours of sunlight during the long winter season may have a direct effect on our inclination to throw open the windows and sweep out the dust when spring arrives. According to How Stuff Works, the human pineal gland produces melatonin when suffering from a lack of exposure to light. Melatonin increases the feeling of sleepiness. When spring arrives, ushering in longer days and averaging more hours of sunshine, we essentially wake up. This biological experience often results in more energy and desire to spring clean. Read more »

caring for guttersGutter cleaning often falls to the bottom of the chore list, something that’s a hassle to do. Professional gutter cleaning by companies like United Window Cleaning take the stress out of gutter care, getting the job done safely and right the first time. When gutter care is ignored, serious consequences can occur.

Winter Ice Dams

Melting snow, sleet, and rain, plus a clogged gutter can lead to ice dams.

The University of Minnesota Extension Office defines ice dams as, “a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow (water) from draining off the roof. The water that backs up behind the dam can leak into a home and cause damage to walls, ceilings, insulation, and other areas.” Read more »

condensationWater droplets on your iced tea glass in the heat of summer is a common sight and certainly never something to cause worry. However, water droplets or condensation on your home’s windows during the colder months of year can be a problem. If you’re noticing condensation on windows when the temperatures drop, it’s time to take a look at why it’s happening, the problems condensation can cause, and potential ways to eliminate interior window condensation in your home.

Condensation is defined as “the act or process of reducing a gas or vapor to a liquid or solid form”.
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WindowsChoosing the best window to complement your home’s architectural style has the ability to enhance its beauty. In the United States, three of the most common home styles are the Tudor, the Craftsman, and the contemporary. Each of these distinctive home designs look best with certain types of windows.

The Tudor

One of the most easily recognizable homes on any street, the Tudor revival in the United States was at its height from the late 19th century until the mid 20th century. There was a resurgence in the late 20th century. Tudor homes have steep, pitched roofs, arched doorways embellished with stonework, and decorative half timbering. Other features may include additional decorative stonework around the windows. Read more »

window cleaning in winterPlummeting winter temperatures are never a reason to skip window cleaning. Even during the coldest days of the year, it’s essential to keep up with routine window cleaning for your home or business. Clean windows do make a difference, offering several advantages whether it’s a residential or commercial building.

Advantages of Winter Window Cleaning

One of the biggest and most important advantages to cleaning windows during the winter is removing accumulated salt, grime, and dirt that over time can actually etch and damage the glass. Both your home and business can benefit from professional winter window cleaning. These benefits include but are not limited to: Read more »

commercial business windowEvery commercial business strives daily to put its best face forward. Dirt and grime-covered windows create an unkempt appearance for a building and make a negative impression on guests, visitors, customers, and even the casual passerby. You only have one chance to make a first impression. Regular window cleaning is a must to add to a commercial property’s maintenance schedule.

Importance of Keeping Commercial Windows Clean

Impressions can make or break a business. Diners looking to enjoy a meal at your restaurant will turn away if greeted with grime-coated windows. A new patient to a dental office is more likely to cancel an appointment if the exterior of the building, including the windows, appear dirty. A retail store’s great window display will not entice customers if the glass is streaked or grimy. Keeping your commercial windows clean with no streaking creates a positive impression on everyone that enters your business or passes by. Clean windows allow in natural sunlight enhancing the look of your products and decor plus it brightens the workspace for employees. Read more »

gutter cleaningGutters play an essential role for a healthy home, designed to divert rain and water flow away from the foundation. A clogged gutter cannot do its job. Rain and water flow must be able to travel through the gutter, into the downspout, and drain properly away from the home. If this does not happen, your home can suffer from foundation cracks, water in the basement/crawlspace, and roof damage.

There are multiple reasons to keep gutters clean. However, three of the top reasons for fall gutter cleaning include issues a homeowner may not think much about it until the problem develops and steps to fix it are needed. Read more »

Fall season gutter cleaningOn average, a mature tree can have approximately 200,000 leaves. As late summer stretches into fall, those leaves begin to change color looking gorgeous — until they drop. Along with twigs and other debris, leaves not only carpet the lawn but clog gutters creating drainage issues. Fall gutter cleaning is the solution. Read more »

fall foliageThe kids are heading back to school and it’s time to say goodbye to summer and hello to fall. Before those first cool days hit, it’s important to prepare your home. The professionals at United Window Cleaning suggest having these five essential seasonal chores complete before the first leaves turn. Read more »

windowDifferent styles of windows help make a house unique. Keeping those eye-catching design elements clean is as easy as calling our friendly professional teams at United Window Cleaning.

We feature an easy-to-use pricing tool online to help you budget for your next window cleaning. Not sure what type of windows your home has? No worries, we’ve put together a simple list of common window types for residential homes just like yours. Read more »