Family cuddling and preparing to eat a holiday dinner

The holiday season is coming! For many, the holiday season kicks off in early to mid-November as prep for Thanksgiving and December celebrations like Christmas, Hanukkah, Las Posadas, Winter Solstice, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s Eve draw nearer. Before the holiday season begins, you’ll want to get your house prepped before family and friends arrive.

Whatever you’re celebrating—don’t miss National Cookie Day on December 4—there is sure to be a list of chores to do before the party can start. Save yourself time, energy, and hassle by hiring out a few of the big tasks.

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Home with Halloween decorations

It’s officially haunted house season! Summer has melted into fall, the weather is cooling, and the days are inching closer and closer to Halloween. However, while it’s fun to visit spooky attractions, you definitely don’t want your home becoming the neighborhood’s haunted house.

We’ve got five tips that can help keep your home from looking like the neighborhood haunted house.

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Expert window cleaning

In the United States, the average home has four to six rooms, with larger homes having eight or more rooms. How many rooms does your home have? Six, eight, ten? The upkeep of any size home can be daunting because, let’s face it, we’re busy. We have a lot to do every day and there are chores that become easier and easier to push aside as time passes.

The good news? You don’t have to do it all alone. Look to professionals for help. They’re trained and have what it takes to get the job done right in a way that’s timely and safe.

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For sale sign

In 2020, according to the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), 5.64 million existing homes were sold. This number does not include newly constructed homes or homes placed on the market and not sold. Statista numbers predict that home sales will rise to 7.1 million in 2021.

If you’re planning to sell your home, it’s essential to keep in mind there can be a lot of competition. Homes that are prepped and offer curb appeal typically attract the most interest and can sell for a more competitive price.

These top five ways to prepare a home for sale may help sell your home faster at the price you command.

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House surrounded by lush green vegetation

It’s been said that “Time will pass and seasons will come and go.” (Roy Bean) When it comes to window cleaning, it’s essential to act in the present and not let the season pass by without calling in the professionals.

Isn’t Professional Window Cleaning Expensive?

The expense of hiring a professional window cleaning team depends on many factors. It’s also routine home maintenance that if left unchecked, can cause damage that can bust a budget.

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Your home is likely the largest purchase you’ll make, and it’s essential to keep up with routine maintenance. From gutter cleaning to HVAC inspections, flushing the hot water heater, aerating the lawn, and draining sprinkler systems, the chore list teems with seasonal, annual, and even monthly chores. It often feels never-ending and even overwhelming. However, skipping maintenance chores can lead to costly issues.

Gutters do more than just catch debris. Gutters protect your home from water damage that’s expensive to repair. Routine gutter cleaning eliminates clogs and keeps the water flowing. If you ignore the gutter cleaning, the consequences can be costly.

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Modern home interior

You booked the window cleaning appointment—now what? It’s normal to have questions when hiring a team to come to your home for window cleaning. When hiring any service professionals, it’s less stressful to know what to expect before the team arrives. With United Window Cleaning, you’re in good hands from start to finish. To help ease your mind, here is what you can expect on the day of your window cleaning appointment. Read more »

Number 5 repeating on a pieces of paper

Hiring professionals for certain tasks like window cleaning is smart. It doesn’t matter if your home has 10 windows or 30, window cleaning is a chore and the pros can get it done better, faster, and safer. When hiring a window cleaning company there are five important questions to ask.

1. What Services Do You Offer?

If you don’t know exactly what a company has to offer, then you might miss out on services that could really benefit your home and living space. Often it’s possible to find answers to this question via the company’s website. However, chatting with a representative can help provide a better understanding of the specifics of each service offered. Ask if deep-cleaning of window sills and cracks are included or if skylights can be done as well.
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Flowers in a meadow next to a tree. Spring has sprung, and united window cleaning is ready to clean!

Writer and humorist Erma Bombeck once said, “My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.” Wouldn’t it be great if a room would just clean itself?

Cleaning, housework, chores, the honey-do list—whatever you choose to call it, the tasks need to get done. Some cleaning tasks seem to never be finished, like dishes and laundry, while others are seasonal. Traditionally, spring cleaning is the big clean each year. After a long winter season, there’s something satisfying about sweeping out the dust and shining up those windows.

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Interior of a modern kitchen

As the new year begins to pick up steam, it’s time to start thinking about scheduling those home chores we all love to postpone. Let’s face it—we’ve all spent more time at home during the last several months and while you may have ticked some home improvement jobs off the list, there are ones that need to be done every year.

Windows are like gutters; both need regular attention. Fortunately, there are professionals that can help, and there are three specific benefits to hiring out window cleaning each year.

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