dirty gutters

Gutters are designed to carry rainwater or snow/ice melt from the roof to the ground with connected downspouts diverting the flow away from the home and landscaping. However, gutter cleaning is often one of the most ignored home maintenance chores. Ignoring gutter cleaning can have serious consequences, from costly home repairs to compromising your family’s health and safety.

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Window cleaning, when done right, can help add value to your home. Clean windows improve curb appeal, allow for natural light to enter the home, and even help protect its energy efficiency. Keeping dirt and grime off windows helps reduce scratches and can help keep Low-E coating working properly.

Depending on the size of your home, the window placement, and your abilities, it’s often better to leave the window cleaning to the professionals. However, if you do plan to tackle some of the cleaning in your home, it’s important to have the right tools and techniques.

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professional window cleaning on high rise building

A real estate agent will tell you that a clean home will sell for more than one that’s been neglected. Curb appeal can also increase a home’s value as well, because, as we know—first impressions have an impact. Cleanliness and curb appeal also affect the impression customers, clients, and the public have about your business. But can professionally clean windows actually boost your profits?

Let’s look at five key benefits of professionally cleaned windows for your business, whether a private or public space.

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man painting window frame

As Andy Dwyer from the TV show Parks and Recreation once said, “Windows are the eyes to the house.” While the line is great for a laugh, there’s a lot of truth at its core. Home windows, especially the ones facing the street are a key component of the property’s curb appeal.

Regular window cleaning helps keep the glass in good condition and looking great, but what about the frames? If your exterior window frames are faded, chipped, and peeling, it’s time to refresh with a new coat of paint.

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high rise buildings

According to the International Building Code, (IBC) a high-rise is a building with an occupied floor that’s 75 feet or higher above the lowest level of fire department access. On average, a five-story building is 75 feet or higher and would be considered a high-rise. However, story height can and does vary depending on the building’s design and construction materials.

It doesn’t matter if your building is three or thirty stories tall, high-rise window cleaning isn’t something that can be ignored. Let’s look at three essential facts about high-rise window cleaning you should know.

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man cleaning second story windows

The tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai has more than 24,000 windows—that’s four times as many as the Empire State Building in New York. It takes 120 window cleaners three months to wash the windows of the Burj Khalifa. While the average home has eight to ten windows, significantly less than a famous skyscraper, the glass still needs to be cared for and cleaned on a regular basis.

Skyscrapers and most other commercial buildings rely on professional window cleaning, but it’s important to note that this service also has several benefits for residential properties as well. Yes! Your home can definitely benefit from professional window cleaning.

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modern house with tinted windows

Tinted windows can offer several benefits for your home. From increasing privacy levels to blocking out damaging UV rays, tinted windows are more than just a decorative choice for your home. Depending on the type of tint chosen, the material may even help reduce home energy costs. However, when it comes to cleaning windows that feature a tint, certain factors must be considered.

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Common window cleaning

Most homeowners rely on professionals to handle the big stuff. From gutter and window cleaning to HVAC check-ups, chimney sweeping, and lawn treatments to keep the weeds away, it’s easier and more time-efficient to let the pros get it done. But sometimes our homes need sprucing up in between, especially windows because dirt and dust happen all around us.

The four most common window cleaning challenges are ones the average homeowner can feel comfortable tackling. However, before cleaning any windows, keep safety a priority.

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Historic home windows

Glass windows are an essential design element to a home and the average house has eight. It’s hard to imagine a house without windows. The ability to look out of clear glass and enjoy a view is something we often take for granted. Need a bit of fresh air? No problem, just crack open the window. But home windows weren’t always like what we have now.

According to the Corning Museum of Glass, the “first glass created by humans can be dated to about 4,000 years ago.” This first glass, made by mixing sand, soda, and lime, is credited to crafters from Mesopotamia. While this glass was used to create vessels, art, and tools, many centuries would pass before glass windows would become common for homes.

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