clean windows for selling a homeStaging a home for sale in Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, or Southeastern Indiana? Proper staging and home preparation has been shown to increase selling price and speed of sale. Complete your staging by making your home outshine other for-sale homes in your area with professional residential window cleaning.

If you are trying to sell your home in Greater Cincinnati’s highly competitive residential real estate market, you need every possible edge to make your home stand out. Windows are among the most noticed and commented-on home features, and something potential home buyers take note of when they walk through a house.

When a home’s windows look streaked and dirty, it tends to detract from the overall appearance of the home. If prospective buyers notice that the windows have not been kept clean,  they may assume that other home maintenance  has not been properly performed, such as carpet cleaning, appliance inspections, gutter cleaning and more.

Having your home windows cleaned will help make your home look bright and appealing. Other staging tips from successful real estate professionals include:

  • Eliminate clutter – getting rid of excessive clutter instantly makes rooms appear to be  more spacious
  • Clean overlooked items like light switches and ceiling blade fans – everything looks newer when it is clean
  • Pack up personal items like knick knacks and photos – this will help buyers visualize themselves in the home

When selling your home, make sure it looks its beautiful best. Keep it looking spacious and inviting with indoor staging. Contact United Window Cleaning to make sure every window looks great, inside and out.