bird's nest near windowThe Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology reports that ornithologists have estimated about 100 million birds are killed every year by colliding with a window. Other birds hit windows when flying and fall to the ground stunned, but are able to recover and fly away, while others suffer internal injuries upon impact that leads to death later. The good news is you can do something to help the birds while safeguarding your windows from cracks and breaks.

Why Birds Fly Into Windows

Birds fly into windows for three basic reasons.

  • Birds collide with windows when they see the reflection of the landscape or a even a potted plant reflected in the glass. Seeing these reflections confuse the birds into thinking there isn’t a deadly barrier.
  • Nocturnal flyers crash into lighted windows, this typically happens more with high-rise buildings.
  • Birds also attack their reflections in a window, usually at day and when they believe they’re defending their nest or territory.

How to Safeguard Your Windows for Birds

There are several easy things you can do to help save bird lives and protect your windows from cracks and breaks due to avian collisions.

Window screens. Attach a standard window screen, which also then allows windows to be opened for air flow while keeping bugs and other pests out of the house.

One-way transparent film. A one-way transparent film applied over the window makes the glass appear opaque from the outside so birds won’t hit it, but still allows anyone on the inside to see out with ease.

Lightweight net. Attach a light net, recommends the Humane Society, at least two to three inches from the window that allows the birds to bounce off instead of collide.

Tape and decals. Break up the expanse of reflective glass with tape strips on the outside or inside of the window. Decals and window clings also work great as well and kids love the fun seasonal window decals/clings you can change out for each holiday or special occasion.

Sun shades and awnings. In addition to providing cooling shade for the home, an exterior sun shade or awning reduces window reflection keeping birds at bay.

Wind chimes. Hang wind chimes close to the window. They make beautiful music and help deter birds from flying to close to the windows.

Move bird feeders. Relocate your bird feeders and bird baths so they’re at least thirty feet from the house. If you must have them closer, move so the feeders are within at least three feet because at this close distance, if a collision would occur, the chance of fatality for the bird is reduced.

Inside the house or even a business, you can keep mini-blinds or vertical blinds partially closed, enough to allow in light, but positioned so the glass reflection is reduced to protect birds from collision. You can also do this with indoor window shades and by keeping the curtains closed when possible.

Trust our United Window Cleaning teams for professional advice to keep your home and business windows looking great year-round. Call us today at 513-721-5987 to schedule an appointment.